President Linda Krysl and Vice President Karen Robbins.
On May 21st Altrusa International of Bentonville/Bella Vista celebrated their 25th Anniversary and Installed new officers. The club's focus is children's literacy, getting books into the hands of children. From June 1, 2023 to May 31, 2024 (their fiscal year), they donated 16,460 children's books to small libraries, book swaps and giveaways at local schools, and book boxes in the area. The club believes that today's readers are tomorrow's leaders. Their Newly Installed Officers are: President Linda Krysl, Vice President Karen Robbins, Recording Secretary Cheryl Johannsen, Correspondence Secretary Pat Schrad, Operating Treasurer Karen McAuley, Foundation Co-treasurers, Vella Lewis and Terri McClure, Directors Gay Kiker and Kathy Williamson